People Make The Difference…
People are what make or break an organization. No matter what your business or nonprofit is, the foundation is your people. We understand this; our focus is people, human resources, talent… We are about people too. Our service model is based on working with a person, not a portal. We think people make the difference both for your organization and ours.

People Management
There are many ways to describe this focus. For some, this is “fun” soft skills part of running an organization. For others, this is way out of their comfort zone. We can help, this list is not inclusive.
Job Descriptions, Performance Evaluations, and More…
As noted, we are not an “HR Library” and we do not believe any two organizations can have “cookie cutter” forms.
“People Problems”
If you have an employee-based organization with zero “people problems” congratulations. For the remaining 98% of you, read on.

Managing People
Many managers excel at (fill in their operational forte) but get hurled out of their comfort zone when it comes to providing employees’ feedback and direction. Bad news or good news here is a truth managers must accept: Managing people is not “part” of their job, it “is” their job. We provide many tools and resources for first time managers or long-time managers who just need tips for certain scenarios. We provide the following training programs: First time supervisors, management training, leadership training, teamwork training and more.
We touch upon critical concepts like “Appreciation Languages” and “Emotional Intelligence.” We present all of this with the underlying concept that people should be (mostly) happy at work and yes, we even have a training program for that too.
Management Mentoring is our flagship program which allows managers (new or seasoned) to get individual coaching on how to be successful in their role. No two organizations are alike, no two managers are alike and certainly no two employees are alike. This is why we suggest individual mentoring/training in many circumstances for your management team.
Specialty Services
Having been in business over a decade, we have developed a few market niches. Our founder has always had a passion for helping these demographics and as such, this has been a large part of our client base.

“Help, I am in charge of HR but I’m new at this!”
HR Mentor Program
You may be the CFO, bookkeeper, office manager, or even the spouse. The company started and “somebody” had to do it. You inherited that aspect of the job, you were up for the challenge but you feel a bit lost. You have been scouring your “HR Library” (compliments of your payroll or insurance agency) and the internet, to learn the Do’s and Don’ts of HR. Yet you realize the more you learn, the less equipped you feel for the role. Our founder has a soft spot for those who inherit HR. She learned “HR 101” from an HR Consultant. That was a long time ago but she never forgot the feeling of relief knowing her HR question was only a phone call away. This is why she developed the HR Mentor program which involves monthly discussions about HR basics along with HR Compliance for companies who need the basics.
CEO Assistance (People related)
As an organization focused on small to medium employers, we often interact directly with the CEO or similar role. The expression, “It is lonely at the top” is true because CEOs are in the rare role of “Visionary” while maintaining an upbeat attitude. It can be counterproductive to share negative concerns that may affect the organization. There are many great fee-based CEO networking groups that assist with financial and operational improvement. There is no substitute for these. Our focus is different. It is about the people aspect. Some may call this “talent management” but it is more.

“It’s lonely at the top.”
It includes areas such as:

Chances are your employees are great at (fill in their operational role) but may not be so strong in “soft skills”. We offer numerous training programs for various level employees.
Family Owned Businesses
“We are family!”
Despite its birth in the “disco era” the song “We Are Family” is strangely familiar to all age groups even today. The words evoke a timeless belief: Sticking together as a family, we can do more. That certainly rings true for family owned businesses. Despite the inevitable discourse, family owned businesses living by that principle prove to be extremely successful and stand the test of time. Our founder has spent most of her career working with family owned businesses ranging from 20 employees to over 12,000. Her experience as an HR Executive to family owned businesses has provided her a unique perspective.

All businesses have their challenges, but family owned businesses share some common concerns regardless of industry or size:
Sure, there are challenges, but there are pluses too. Family owned businesses often are the nicest employers around. That is because they usually treat “all” their employees like family. We can assist as an outside advisor when issues arise or help plan for the future.
Human Resources Compliance
HR compliance is not the fun part of being an employer. Companies and non-profits get into their specialty because it is their passion. They are experts at ________________ (you fill in the blank) but feel lost with State and Federal employment requirements. We are not attorneys but know enough if you need a referral.
More importantly, we are not an “HR Library” where you are forced to set up a login, wade through screens of multiple forms, read info and hope you get it right. Employers using certain payroll, insurance or other providers often are disappointed with these free HR services. Busy CEO, owners and those who inherit HR as part of their job (often the bookkeeper, accountant, or office manager), find they do not have time to wade through all the info and get it right. Our focus is personalized service, not web links.

This list is just some of the compliance issues we cover:
New Hire Packet Set-up
Pop quiz: How many brochures must new hires receive in California? If your answer was, “We have to give out brochures?” consider our New Hire Set-up program. Ideal for start-ups or growing employers realizing they need to get it right.
We assist companies throughout the United States, not just California. Compliance is necessary everywhere.

New Hire Processing
If being trained on new hire set-up sounds like too much work, we can provide all the packets physically in a folder and yes, we can even meet with your new hires (in person or via video chat) and have them complete the paperwork, provide the brochures with explanation, ensure the HR forms are completed correctly and assist as best we can to help you get your employee set up in payroll.
Employee Handbooks
Employee Handbooks, while not required by law, are a great resource to cover a myriad of subjects that affect your employees. There is a saying in Human Resources: “You live and die by your handbook.” Should litigation take place, there is a good chance the Employee Handbook will be part of the process. Knowing that only an attorney would be qualified to defend an employer (and their handbook),

California Sick Leave Law Training and Set-up
If you already know about this often-overlooked law, and have the system in place with your payroll, then there is no need to read further. However, if you were not aware of this law and you have (or will have) employees in California, then read on. Most HR Consultants or “HR Libraries” provide the general information about the law with articles, links, etc.
This is quite helpful. However, we have found that no two employers are alike. How you set up your sick leave accrual is critical. It will differ depending upon the type of workforce you hire (entry level vs. career roles), whether you plan to offer benefits, the turnover, if you have seasonal employees, how many employees you anticipate hiring in the next year, and (one of the most overlooked parts) how ready and able your company is to administer this rather complicated program.
How you set it up affects how much recordkeeping is involved. We can guide you through the pros and cons of “front loading” vs. “accrual” and help you figure out what makes the most sense for your company. Simply request a phone appointment which will last up to 1 hour and we will provide you the advice and resources to help you successfully administer this program.
General Employment-Wage & Hours, Leaves, Etc.

There is no need to go it alone. This is where our services and expertise come in. We provide guidance on these matters and more
Terminations (Separations including: Resignations, Layoffs, Discharges)
When you must let someone go, what is the requirement for the final paycheck? Do you have to pay out accrued sick and/or vacations pay? What if it is PTO? What if you have a salesperson leave but is owed commissions not yet calculated? If an employee quits but still has a company ipad, laptop, or phone, can you deduct it from the final pay? How does final pay work if you provide health benefits? If you must downsize, are there laws about whom you can let go? Are you required to provide severance? What if you have an entire facility that needs to close, do you know about the WARN act?

The answer to most of these questions is: It depends upon the state in which you reside. As you can see, something as seemingly simple as an employee leaving your organization is full of questions.
We are here to help with these critical details.